Rates and Info
We know what you really wanna know about Wings And Walleyes Guide Service. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of all the frequently asked questions we usually get asked regarding hunts and fishing trips. If you still haven’t found the answers you ’re looking for, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.
What do you charge for a day of fishing?
Fishing Trip Daily packages start at $450 per day for 2 anglers. Additional anglers are $150 per day. All equipment will be provided and fish will be cleaned and packaged at the end of the day. A 50% non refundable deposit is required to hold your date.
Lodging is available call for rates and availability.
What do we need for a day of fishing?
You will be equipped for the day with top of the line equipment starting with a new Ranger FS Pro 622 rigged with state of the art electronics, JT Outdoor Producs technique specific fishing rods, custom tackle, fresh bait, the best safety equipment, and a professional guide with 20 years experience fishing Lake McConaughy. I've got an extensive network to keep us on the fish and current on changing conditions.
Please bring inclement weather clothing (rain gear, layers). Sunscreen, snacks, fishing liscenses. Don't forget your camera you'll be needing that.
How much for a waterfowl hunt?
Waterfowl hunts are $250/day per gun. We hunt in heated pit blinds. Included in the hunt is experienced guide, new Avian X decoys and retriever. Blind breakfast is usually cooked and served mid morning depending on conditions.
What do we need for a waterfowl hunt?
Warm waterproof hunting clothing (layering systems preferably), shotgun, ammo, liscenses and requires stamps, drinks, snacks.
Are there other hunts available?
I do offer a small number of upland hunts. Upland hunts are $250/day per gun.
I also offer a select number spring turkey hunts. CALL FOR PRICE AND AVAILABILITY.
Depending on the time of year some combo hunts maybe provided. In particular waterfowl/upland.
Do you offer lodging?
I currently do have lodging available with a 3 bedroom 2 bath furnished home over looking Lake McConaughy. Call for availability and pricing.